Alnatheer et al., 2012: Understanding And Measuring Information Security Culture.


The purpose of the current paper was to develop a measurement of information security culture. Eight interviews with information security experts in eight different Saudi organisations were conducted, revealing that security culture can be constituted as reflection of security awareness and security ownership. Additionally, the qualitative interviews have revealed that factors that influence security culture are top management involvement, policy enforcement, and training.

survey, 254 responses

Constructs in this publication:

Construct Cites Category Questions given? Content validity Pretests Response type Notes
Top Management Knapp et al., 2006 yes based on interviews and expert sorting exercise and index card sorting test pilot 5 point likert scale ranging from "Strongly disagree" to "strongly agree"
Involvement In Information Security NEW, Knapp et al., 2006 yes based on interviews and expert sorting exercise and index card sorting test pilot 5 point likert scale ranging from "Strongly disagree" to "strongly agree"
Information Security Policy Enforcements NEW, Da Veiga et al., 2007, Rainer et al., 2007 yes based on interviews and expert sorting exercise and index card sorting test pilot 5 point likert scale ranging from "Strongly disagree" to "strongly agree"
Information Security Training NEW, D'Arcy, 2009, Rainer et al., 2007 yes based on interviews and expert sorting exercise and index card sorting test pilot 5 point likert scale ranging from "Strongly disagree" to "strongly agree"
Information Security Awareness NEW yes based on interviews and expert sorting exercise and index card sorting test pilot 5 point likert scale ranging from "Strongly disagree" to "strongly agree"
Information Security Ownerships NEW yes based on interviews and expert sorting exercise and index card sorting test pilot 5 point likert scale ranging from "Strongly disagree" to "strongly agree"


Mohammed Alnatheer, Taizan Chan, and Karen Nelson. Understanding And Measuring Information Security Culture. In PACIS, 144. 2012.


 author = {Alnatheer, Mohammed and Chan, Taizan and Nelson, Karen},
 booktitle = {{{PACIS}}},
 pages = {144},
 title = {Understanding {{And Measuring Information Security Culture}}.},
 year = {2012}