Brayfield, 1951: An Index of Job Satisfaction.


It has been recognized that the effectiveness of selection, training, and supervisory programs should be gauged in part by their effect on employees' satisfaction with their work and that specific personnel techniques and procedures should be validated against a job satisfaction criterion. Unfortunately, adequate indices of job satisfaction are difficult to obtain. This report describes the construction and validation of a quantitative index of job satisfaction.

scale consctruction, 231 employed female office workers and 91 students

Constructs in this publication:

Construct Cites Category Questions given? Content validity Pretests Response type Notes
Job Satisfaction NEW yes generated following Thurstone and Likert, sort tested and externally validated qualitatively pilot choice of 4 statements

This publication is cited by the following publications:


Arthur Brayfield and Harold Rothe. An index of job satisfaction. Journal of applied psychology, 35(5):307–311, 1951.


 author = {Brayfield, Arthur and Rothe, Harold},
 issn = {0021-9010},
 journal = {Journal of applied psychology},
 number = {5},
 pages = {307-311},
 title = {An Index of Job Satisfaction.},
 volume = {35},
 year = {1951}