Brooke, 1996: SUS-A Quick and Dirty Usability Scale


There is a need for “quick and dirty” methods to allow low cost assessments of usability in industrial systems evaluation. This chapter describes the System Usability Scale (SUS) a reliable, low-cost usability scale that can be used for global assessments of systems usability.

scale description

Constructs in this publication:

Construct Cites Category Questions given? Content validity Pretests Response type Notes
System Usability Scale NEW yes selected using Likert technique none 5 point likert scale ranging from "Strongly disagree" to "strongly agree"


John Brooke. SUS-A quick and dirty usability scale. Usability evaluation in industry, 1996.


 author = {Brooke, John},
 journal = {Usability evaluation in industry},
 number = {194},
 title = {{{SUS}}-{{A}} Quick and Dirty Usability Scale},
 volume = {189},
 year = {1996}