Crossler et al., 2013: Future Directions for Behavioral Information Security Research


The purpose of this paper is to highlight future directions for Behavioral InfoSec research, which is a newer, growing area of research. The ensuing paper presents information about challenges currently faced and future directions that Behavioral InfoSec researchers should explore. These areas include separating insider deviant behavior from insider misbehavior, approaches to understanding hackers, improving information security compliance, cross-cultural Behavioral InfoSec research, and data collection and measurement issues in Behavioral InfoSec research.

literature review


Robert E Crossler, Allen C Johnston, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Qing Hu, Merrill Warkentin, and Richard Baskerville. Future directions for behavioral information security research. Computers & Security, 32:90–101, 2013. doi:10.1016/j.cose.2012.09.010.


 author = {Crossler, Robert E and Johnston, Allen C and Lowry, Paul Benjamin and Hu, Qing and Warkentin, Merrill and Baskerville, Richard},
 doi = {10.1016/j.cose.2012.09.010},
 journal = {Computers \& Security},
 pages = {90--101},
 title = {Future Directions for Behavioral Information Security Research},
 volume = {32},
 year = {2013}