Hargittai, 2012: Succinct Survey Measures of Web-Use Skills


This article presents results from additional implementations of a previously-developed index measure. It considers the performance of the original instrument over time as well as shortened versions of it on two surveys of different populations. Drawing on analyses of five different data sets, the article makes recommendations for various length survey items for measuring people’s web-use skills.

scale development, 5 studies

Constructs in this publication:

Construct Cites Category Questions given? Content validity Pretests Response type Notes
Web-Use Skills NEW, Hargittai, 2005 yes None 5 studies various

This publication is cited by the following publications:


Eszter Hargittai and Yuli Patrick Hsieh. Succinct Survey Measures of Web-Use Skills. Social Science Computer Review, 30(1):95–107, February 2012. doi:10.1177/0894439310397146.


 author = {Hargittai, Eszter and Hsieh, Yuli Patrick},
 doi = {10.1177/0894439310397146},
 issn = {0894-4393, 1552-8286},
 journal = {Social Science Computer Review},
 language = {en},
 month = {February},
 number = {1},
 pages = {95-107},
 title = {Succinct {{Survey Measures}} of {{Web}}-{{Use Skills}}},
 volume = {30},
 year = {2012}