Marakas et al., 2007: The Evolving Nature of the Computer Self-Efficacy Construct: An Empirical Investigation of Measurement Construction, Validity, Reliability and Stability over Time

This publication is cited by the following publications:


G M Marakas, R D Johnson, and P F Clay. The evolving nature of the computer self-efficacy construct: An empirical investigation of measurement construction, validity, reliability and stability over time. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 8(1):15, 2007.


 author = {Marakas, G M and Johnson, R D and Clay, P F},
 issn = {1536-9323},
 journal = {Journal of the Association for Information Systems},
 number = {1},
 pages = {15},
 title = {The Evolving Nature of the Computer Self-Efficacy Construct: {{An}} Empirical Investigation of Measurement Construction, Validity, Reliability and Stability over Time},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2007}