Scott, 1995: Decision-Making Style: The Development and Assessment of a New Measure

This publication is cited by the following publications:


Susanne G. Scott and Reginald A. Bruce. Decision-Making Style: The Development and Assessment of a New Measure. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 55(5):818–831, October 1995. doi:10.1177/0013164495055005017.


 author = {Scott, Susanne G. and Bruce, Reginald A.},
 doi = {10.1177/0013164495055005017},
 issn = {0013-1644, 1552-3888},
 journal = {Educational and Psychological Measurement},
 language = {en},
 month = {October},
 number = {5},
 pages = {818-831},
 shorttitle = {Decision-{{Making Style}}},
 title = {Decision-{{Making Style}}: {{The Development}} and {{Assessment}} of a {{New Measure}}},
 volume = {55},
 year = {1995}