Zhang et al., 2014: After We Knew It: Empirical Study and Modeling of Cost-Effectiveness of Exploiting Prevalent Known Vulnerabilities across Iaas Cloud

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Su Zhang, Xinwen Zhang, and Xinming Ou. After we knew it: empirical study and modeling of cost-effectiveness of exploiting prevalent known vulnerabilities across iaas cloud. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, 317–328. ACM, 2014.


 author = {Zhang, Su and Zhang, Xinwen and Ou, Xinming},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th {{ACM}} Symposium on {{Information}}, Computer and Communications Security},
 pages = {317--328},
 publisher = {{ACM}},
 shorttitle = {After We Knew It},
 title = {After We Knew It: Empirical Study and Modeling of Cost-Effectiveness of Exploiting Prevalent Known Vulnerabilities across Iaas Cloud},
 year = {2014}