Samuel B. Bacharach and Michael Aiken. Structural and Process Constraints on Influence in Organizations: A Level- Specific Analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly, 21(4):623–642, 1976. doi:10.2307/2391720.
abstract = {This paper presents a level-specific analysis of the dispersion of influence in administrative bureaucracies of 44 Belgian cities. A distinction was drawn between process and structure, and the effect of various structural and process constraints on the influence of middle and lower echelons was examined. It was found that the effects of process and structure on influence in decision making were not consistent across organizational levels.},
author = {Bacharach, Samuel B. and Aiken, Michael},
doi = {10.2307/2391720},
issn = {0001-8392},
journal = {Administrative Science Quarterly},
number = {4},
pages = {623-642},
shorttitle = {Structural and {{Process Constraints}} on {{Influence}} in {{Organizations}}},
title = {Structural and {{Process Constraints}} on {{Influence}} in {{Organizations}}: {{A Level}}- {{Specific Analysis}}},
volume = {21},
year = {1976}