Filius et al., 2013: Knowledge Management in the HRD Office: A Comparison of Three Cases

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Rene\textasciiacute e Filius, Jan A. de Jong, and Erik C. Roelofs. Knowledge management in the HRD office: a comparison of three cases. Journal of Workplace Learning, April 2013. doi:10.1108/13665620010353360.


 abstract = {HRD professionals can be considered to be knowledgeable about knowledge management practices in their own offices. Effectiveness of knowledge management practices of three HRD offices were studied, using a combination of structured questionnaires plus interviews with four HRD professionals per office. Three categories of knowledge management activities were considered, by the members of these organisations, to be effective: activities that expand the individual or collective experiential horizon; activities that are meant to consolidate knowledge; informal and formal communication about work issues. Conditions that facilitate or inhibit these activities are identified. Organisations wishing to improve their knowledge productivity are confronted with some fundamental choices: innovation versus routine, office versus officer, and knowledge sharing versus knowledge shielding.},
 author = {Filius, Rene\textasciiacute{}e and de Jong, Jan A. and Roelofs, Erik C.},
 doi = {10.1108/13665620010353360},
 journal = {Journal of Workplace Learning},
 language = {en},
 month = {April},
 shorttitle = {Knowledge Management in the {{HRD}} Office},
 title = {Knowledge Management in the {{HRD}} Office: A Comparison of Three Cases},
 year = {2013}