Leonard, 2001: Illegal, Inappropriate, and Unethical Behavior in an Information Technology Context: A Study to Explain Influences


Personal normative beliefs and scenario (situation) are indicators of ethical behavior intention. However, this study found that attitude toward ethical behavior, ego strength, relative preference for principled reasoning over conventional and pre-conventional reasoning, and gender are additional significant indicators of ethical behavior intention.

survey with 5 of seven scenarios from banerjee_modeling_1998, same ones as kreie_how_1998, 1995 students from one university, Survey and scenarios in the Appendix

Constructs in this publication:

Construct Cites Category Questions given? Content validity Pretests Response type Notes
Ethical Behavior Intention Fishbein, 1975 yes none none various, described in paper
Attitude Toward Ethical Behavior Ajzen, 1985, Ajzen, 1991 yes none none various, described in paper
Personal Normative Beliefs Schwartz, 1972 yes none none various, described in paper
Ego Strength Barron, 1953 yes none none various, described in paper
Locus of Control Rotter, 1966 yes none none various, described in paper
Moral Judgement Rest, 1986 yes none none various, described in paper

This publication is cited by the following publications:


Lori NK Leonard and Timothy Paul Cronan. Illegal, inappropriate, and unethical behavior in an information technology context: A study to explain influences. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2001.


 author = {Leonard, Lori NK and Cronan, Timothy Paul},
 journal = {Journal of the Association for Information Systems},
 number = {1},
 shorttitle = {Illegal, Inappropriate, and Unethical Behavior in an Information Technology Context},
 title = {Illegal, Inappropriate, and Unethical Behavior in an Information Technology Context: {{A}} Study to Explain Influences},
 volume = {1},
 year = {2001}