S. K. Parker. Enhancing role breadth self-efficacy: the roles of job enrichment and other organizational interventions. The Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(6):835–852, December 1998.
abstract = {Role breadth self-efficacy (RBSE) refers to employees' perceived capability of carrying out a broader and more proactive set of work tasks that extend beyond prescribed technical requirements. A newly developed scale of RBSE was internally consistent and distinct from the related concepts of proactive personality and self-esteem. In an initial cross-sectional study (N = 580), work design variables (job enrichment, job enlargement, and membership of improvement groups) were the key organizational predictors of RBSE. These investigations were repeated in a second cross-sectional study (N = 622) and extended by examining change over time (N = 459). The longitudinal analysis showed that increased job enrichment and increased quality of communication predicted the development of greater self-efficacy.},
author = {Parker, S. K.},
issn = {0021-9010},
journal = {The Journal of Applied Psychology},
language = {eng},
month = {December},
number = {6},
pages = {835-852},
pmid = {9885197},
shorttitle = {Enhancing Role Breadth Self-Efficacy},
title = {Enhancing Role Breadth Self-Efficacy: The Roles of Job Enrichment and Other Organizational Interventions},
volume = {83},
year = {1998}