Van Vianen, 2000: Person-Organization Fit: The Match between Newcomers' and Recruiters' Preferences for Organizational Cultures

This publication is cited by the following publications:


Annelies E.M. Van Vianen. Person-organization fit: The match between newcomers' and recruiters' preferences for organizational cultures. Personnel Psychology, 53(1):113–149, March 2000. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6570.2000.tb00196.x.


 author = {Van Vianen, Annelies E.M.},
 doi = {10.1111/j.1744-6570.2000.tb00196.x},
 issn = {0031-5826, 1744-6570},
 journal = {Personnel Psychology},
 language = {en},
 month = {March},
 number = {1},
 pages = {113-149},
 shorttitle = {Person-Organization Fit},
 title = {Person-Organization Fit: {{The}} Match between Newcomers' and Recruiters' Preferences for Organizational Cultures},
 volume = {53},
 year = {2000}