Construct: Level of IT Usage
This construct belongs to the following categories:
This construct is used by:
The following constructs were (potentially) derived from this construct:
- Attitude towards KS by Witherspoon et al., 2013: Antecedents of Organizational Knowledge Sharing: A Meta-Analysis and Critique
- Shared goals by Witherspoon et al., 2013: Antecedents of Organizational Knowledge Sharing: A Meta-Analysis and Critique
- Anticipated recognition by Jeon et al., 2011: Individual, Social, and Organizational Contexts for Active Knowledge Sharing in Communities of Practice
- Knowledge sharing by Jeon et al., 2011: Individual, Social, and Organizational Contexts for Active Knowledge Sharing in Communities of Practice
- Intentions to encourage knowledge sharing by Lin, 2004: Perceptions of Senior Managers toward Knowledge-sharing Behaviour
- Attitudes toward knowledge sharing by Lin, 2004: Perceptions of Senior Managers toward Knowledge-sharing Behaviour
- Knowledge sharing by Lin, 2007: To Share or Not to Share: Modeling Knowledge Sharing Using Exchange Ideology as a Moderator
- Personal outcome expectations by Chiu et al., 2006: Understanding Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities: An Integration of Social Capital and Social Cognitive Theories
- Community-related outcome expectations by Chiu et al., 2006: Understanding Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities: An Integration of Social Capital and Social Cognitive Theories